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2021 CSF Board Members

Natalie Justin

Natalie is an Army spouse of 14 years. She holds a Bachelor's in Social Work from the College of Saint Benedict in MN and a Master's in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin. She has a passion to help others and is currently working as a social worker and counselor at a local private school. Natalie's advice to scholarship recipients is to try something new, be flexible and always have a goal in mind. This will be Natalie's second year serving on the CSF board.


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Jennifer Vickery

Jennifer is an Army spouse of 17 years. She holds a Bachelor's of Science on Marketing from the University of North Georgia. She has a passion for volunteering and connecting with others to promote important initiatives within the community. Jennifer's advice to scholarship recipients is to not only fulfill their potential but to pay it forward, to reinvest their reward both within their community and in the future youth. This will be Jennifer's second year serving on the CSF board.  


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Alyssa Ortega

 Alyssa Ortega Velasquez is an Army spouse. This is Alyssa’s first year serving on the CSF board. She has a passion for history and a dedication to the service of her community, those that serve and their families. Alongside raising her four children, she is working towards acquiring her Master’s in Accounting minoring in the Science of Business Fundamentals through Utah State University.


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Tristi Bond

Tristi is an Army spouse of 2 years. She received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Public Health from the University of West Florida and works as an epidemiologist for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. She also serves as a Soldier and Family Readiness (SFRG) coordinator for Bravo Company, 1-1 ARB on Fort Riley. Tristi's advice to scholarship recipients is to celebrate and note small wins and successes; it can be difficult to see progress in the thick of a challenge, but looking back you will be so proud of how far you've come. This will be Tristi's first year serving on the board.

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Jodi Lemley
Jodi is an Army spouse and military civilian of 10 years. She holds a Bachelor's in Engineering and Masters in Management from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. She currently works as a Senior Budget Analyst at Irwin Army Community Hospital. She has a passion for continually learning, especially through avidly reading. Jodi's advice to scholarship recipients is to take advantage of every opportunity given to you. Never be afraid to try something new, it may change your life. This will be Jodi's second year serving on the CSF board.



Open Position
Charitable Donations/Fundraising Chair


Danielle Kull
Ceremony Chair

Danielle is an Army spouse of 17 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a minor in Economics from Baldwin Wallace University in Ohio. She made lifelong friendships and lasting memories in college and encourages others to do the same. In her second year as the Ceremony Chair, she hopes to help young people achieve that!




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Jen Roett
Judging Chair

Jen is an Army spouse of 13 years. She holds a Bachelor’s in Public Relations and a Masters in Human Resource Management from West Virginia University. She has a passion for supporting service members and military spouses in their transition to private sector careers. Jen’s advice to scholarship recipients is recognize the resiliency you’ve developed while supporting your servicemember. Lean on those skills to be bold and courageous as you navigate your education! This is Jen's first year serving on the CSF board. 



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Kimberly Narducci
Applications Chair

Kimberly is an Army spouse of 22 years. She holds Bachelors in Business Administration from American InterContinental University. She has a passion for training & development and serving her community through health and wellness initiatives. Kimberly's advice to scholarship recipients is never forget how special and gifted you are. Share your story and inspire those around you. This is Kimberly’s first year serving on the CSF board.



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Victoria Rios-Furlow
Advertising/Social Media Chair

Originally hailing from New Mexico, Victoria has been an Army spouse for 25 years - moving to Fort Riley 18 months ago. A long-time volunteer within her adopted communities, she currently volunteers with the Catholic Community as the Hospitality Membership Chair and - together with her husband, Michael - teaches 3rd and 4th grade Religious Education.  She also volunteers with the Historical and Archeological Society of Fort Riley, where she serves as the 2022 - 2023 co-Pie Queen and Social Media Chairperson. Victoria is also a small business entrepreneur as she is the owner/operator of an online and brick-and-mortar herbal shop, Victoria's Herb Boutique, currently operating out of Eclectic Charm in Manhattan, KS. 
She and Michael have three boys ranging in age from 13 to 20. This is Victoria's first year serving on the CSF board.




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Lynda Smith
Senior Advisor
Linda is an Army spouse of 26 years. She holds a Bachelor's in History and Anthropology from Randolph-Macon Women's College. She has a passion for the outdoors and serving her community, soldiers and their families.  Lynda's advice to scholarship recipients is to use whatever adversity comes your way to make the best version of yourself. This will be Lynda's secondt year serving on the CSF board. 



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